David’s Current Student Study Page.

If you are a current student of David’s, students that have attended a course or camp with David you will have 12 months access to this information through David’s Current Student Facebook Page (you will be added after attending you course/camp). If you attend another course/camp your 12 months access starts again. Stay current and keep progressing.

These are the steps that David followed when he went through the program with his first horse/s, and as he learnt it from Pat Parelli himself. The information remains the same today. David thought it would be nice for his most dedicated & soon to be dedicated students to be able to access this information.

Each post will be shared to David’s current student Private Face Book Page. Just Press on the links on the Facebook page, you will have access to all the posts. Come back anytime

David encourages students to read the information supplied here are it will help cement things you have heard and continue your educations at home.

The Partnership Program Level 1/2

The Harmony Program Level 2/3

The Refinement Program Level 3/4 – Due 2022

Colt Starting – Coming Soon

Access through your “David’s Current Student Page on FaceBook” 

Become a current student by attending a course/camp soon! Stay current and keep progressing. (see details above)

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