Month: February 2021

Using this study Guide!

Level 2 is a huge subject. it raises the respect system, works on impulsion, develops mental, emotional and physical fitness to new levels in both you and the horse, increases the riding elements significantly and culminates with manoeuvres such as lead changes, the soft feel and turns on the haunches. In addition you learn to Read More

Welcome to the Harmony Program!

Level 2/3 on the ladder to becoming a Horseman! Once you have over come Opposition Reflex (in Level 1) its important to progress to a point where your horse not only has no opposition reflex, but has positive reflexes. In simple terms this means the horse will respond to whatever you ask “without hesitation” A Read More

Trailer Loading

Once you and your horse have practiced all these lessons well, and opposition reflex to your requests has dramatically diminished, you are ready to try trailer loading. Trouble free trailer loading is the result of respect. The more respect you have from your horse, the more willing he will be to get into the trailer Read More

Challenges & Tasks

Now that you have all the natural riding principles in place, it’s time to task and challenge them so you can put them to purpose. One Rein Tasks (Halter & 12′ Line or Horseman’s String) Place 2 buckets 4ft. apart. Try to ride through them at a walk, then at a trot. Now try to Read More

Lesson 20 Controlled Catastrophe

Your horse can only be as brave as you! How to stay calm, cool, collected and focused in a catastrophic situation. With horses being prey animals, they are designed to spook at the slightest possibility of danger. Rather than punish the horse for this (he really is not wrong!) look at how you can get Read More

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