Month: January 2021

Lesson 19 Sideways

The better you horse goes backwards and sideways, the better he’ll do everything else. Like backing up, sideways is a manoeuvre horses don’t do very much. Yet this will become very important to you later as the foundation of turns, spins, leads and lead changes. Equipment: Natural Hackamore; and a fence! You’ll do the sideways Read More

Lesson 18 – The 9 Step Back Up

Training your hands to close slowly… and open quickly, teaching the horse to back up confidently. In teaching a horse to back up, there are two things to consider: this is not something horses do all the time. Forward is the most used direction of the horse. to ask the horse to go backwards, you Read More

Lesson 17 – Carrot Stick Riding

Learning how to “push” your turns, developing an independent seat, self carriage for the horse. You’ll remember in the myths we busted at the beginning of the section on riding, that leaning in the direction of the turn is counter productive for the horse. It actually unbalances him and will cause him to lean on Read More

Lesson 16 – Follow the rail

A great program to teach your horse consistency, purity of gait, self carriage and to learn the responsibility of thinking for himself. This is a program. It means you’ll need to do it 7 days (sessions) in a row. Even if you could only ride once a week, do this for the next 7 times Read More

Lesson 15 – Focus with your whole body

According to Pat Parelli, this is the most important four letter word you’ll ever learn! (Fo.C.U.S!!) Focus give you feel. Focus and feel give you timing. Focus, feel and timing give you balance. Your whole body is tied in with focus, especially if you focus right down to your belly button! Try this simulation with Read More

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