Month: May 2020

Four Areas of Savvy

If you were to ask a horse what kind of handler or rider he would like, what do you think he would want? What skills? What understanding? What balance? What knowledge? What feel and timing? What kind of human does a horse deserve? Riding is only half of what we need to be good at Read More

Keys for Results

In the previous section we talked about the process of change and offered some ideas around being able to avoid the phases of blame anger and chaos. We also looked at the qualities that top achieving student have, what makes them excel. 6 Keys to success (now 7) Attitude, Knowledge, Tools, Techniques, Time, Imagination. Support Read More

The Process of Change

Making changes, for some people, is not an easy process. In fact there are often four distinct phases a person can go through before they make the change. denial blame anger chaos Some people are resistant to making changes. That resistance leads you to blaming, anger and chaos. For example, someone might find themselves in Read More

Overview of the Level 1 Program

As you progress through the levels you will start to appreciate more and more the importance of the foundation. This is what Level 1 is, a solid foundation. As Pat has often said, get square one right and carry it with you. You will find that every level is an extension of Level 1, and Read More

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